Gender Pay Gap – 2022

The Gender Pay Gap reporting gives a snapshot of the gender balance within an organisation regardless of their role or seniority. The gender pay gap shows the gap between the mean and median earnings of females and males and the bonus pay gap shows the gap between the mean and median bonus paid to females and males.
We want our people to feel a sense of belonging at Pepper Money. We want everyone to feel comfortable at work being their authentic self and we are fully committed to creating an environment in which all colleagues progress on the basis of performance and contribution without regard to their gender and other personal characteristics. We want to have a positive impact on our people and the wider community.  Pepper Money are committed to ensure that all colleagues are selected and appropriately compensated in their roles based on their skills, abilities and performance alone with equal access to recognition, reward and career progression opportunities.  We know that our gender pay gap is largely caused by our workforce profile, the gender gap is caused by a gender imbalance in senior executive roles.  Our aim is to achieve greater inclusion and diversity throughout the Firm. We commit working  towards reducing the gender pay gap and recognise we are on a journey and a more equal workplace will take time and persistence.
As we look ahead to our ambitions for the coming year, we will acknowledge some of the steps we have already taken:
  • We pay above the voluntary ‘real’ Living Wage and benchmark all salaries externally to ensure our compensation is fair and competitive.
  • Set up the Women in Business initiative to better understand the lived experience of women in our organisation and to support them
  • Establishment of our pro-active DE&I committee advocating the importance of allyship
  • Roll out of unconscious bias training
  • Delivering an inclusive culture through the embedding of our new cultural principles
  • Adoption of a Hybrid Working Model
Like many organisations, there is more work to do:
  • We will continue to review our talent attraction approach
  • We will explore the potential causes to remove any possible barriers to entry and progression where we observe existing imbalances
  • We will review our ‘family friendly’ offering including support relating to the menopause
  • We will commit to developing our female talent
  • We will support our D&I committee and Women in Business initiatives
  • Establish better monitoring and MI to better understand the colleague journey

We continue to promote opportunities, champion inclusion and diversity. We’re committed to making a positive difference for our colleagues, our clients, in our communities and society at large.

Employees in Each Hourly Pay Quartile

Gender Pay Gaps Comparisons

Difference between male and female

The charts above show our overall mean and median gender pay gap based on hourly rates of pay. The bonus pay gap represents the difference in the average bonus pay for male and female employees

Across our workforce, 100% of all female employees and 98.03% of all male employees received a bonus payment